Subproject Z2: Database and synthesis (1 Postdoc position)
Principle Investigators: Holger Schielzeth, University Jena; Anne Ebeling, University Jena Summary: Stability of ecosystems refers to the persistence of ecological processes in a given area over a long period of…
Subproject 01: Plant Physiology (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke and Hannes Feilhauer, Leipzig University Summary: Climate change will increase the occurrence of extreme events that trigger both species evolution and selective removal of not well-acclimated…
Subproject 03: Root trait diversity (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Weigelt, Alexandra, Leipzig University; Mommer, Liesje, Wageningen University Summary: Biodiversity can be considered as the earth’s safety net for mitigating climate change, as biodiversity is known to increase…
Subproject 05: Soil nutrient dynamics (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Yvonne Oelmann, University of Tübingen Summary: Extreme events such as floods or droughts affect the availability of water and, thus, inevitably impact nutrient cycling in soils. The majority…
Subproject 06: Plant nutrient responses (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: PD Dr. Christiane Roscher, UFZ/iDiv Summary: Plant tissue nutrient concentrations and ratios are important predictors of ecosystem processes and ecological interactions. The major objective of the subproject “Plant…
Subproject 07: Soil multistability (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Nico Eisenhauer, Leipzig University; Simone Cesarz, Leipzig University; Cordula Vogel, Technical University Dresden Summary: Healthy and stable soil is a prerequisite for well-functioning terrestrial ecosystems and has thus…
Subproject 08: Microbiome & Stress (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Stefanie Schulz, Helmholtz Zentrum München; Michael Schloter, Technische Universität München Summary: If you are eager to apply molecular, isolation and inoculation techniques to answer burning questions related to…
Subproject 09: Plant antagonists (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Michael Bonkowski, University of Cologne; Sigrid Neuhauser, University of Innsbruck Summary: Microbial plant pathogens play important roles in biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships. This project investigates the roles of Oomycetes…
Subproject 10: Consumers and functions (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Anne Ebeling, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena; Sebastian T. Meyer, Technical University of Munich Summary: Invertebrates in grasslands are highly diverse and essential for trophic interactions and ecosystem functioning. Plant diversity…
Subproject 11: Networks and energy fluxes (1 PhD position)
Principle Investigators: Stefan Scheu, University of Göttingen, Ulrich Brose, University of Jena & iDiv, Leipzig Summary: The project addresses the quantitative structure and stability of soil food webs along the…
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