Jäthelfer (w/m/d) gesucht vom 24.03. – 17.04.2025
#English version below# Ihr interessiert euch für Pflanzen und arbeitet gerne draußen? Wir brauchen Hilfe bei der Instandhaltung der Versuchsflächen des Jena Experiments! Hintergrund: Das Jena-Experiment befasst sich mit der…
New Publication from Bonato Asato et al. in Journal of Ecology: Seasonal shifts in plant diversity effects on above-ground–below-ground phenological synchrony
The significance of biological diversity as a mechanism that optimizes niche breadth for resource acquisition and enhancing ecosystem functionality is well-established. However, a significant gap remains in exploring temporal niche…
New Publication from Amyntas et al. in Nature Communications: Soil community history strengthens belowground multitrophic functioning across plant diversity levels in a grassland experiment
Biodiversity experiments revealed that plant diversity loss can decrease ecosystem functions across trophic levels. To address why such biodiversity-function relationships strengthen over time, we established experimental mesocosms replicating a gradient…
New Publication from Hennecke et al. in Ecology Letters: Plant Species Richness and the Root Economics Space Drive Soil Fungal Communities
Trait-based approaches have been increasingly used to relate plants to soil microbial communities. Using the recently described root economics space as an approach to explain the structure of soil-borne fungal…
Stellenausschreibung: Gärtner:in
Reg.-Nr. 253/2024 Fristende 31.12.2024 Die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ist eine traditionsreiche und forschungsstarke Universität im Zentrum Deutschlands. Als Volluniversität verfügt sie über ein breites Fächerspektrum. Ihre Spitzenforschung bündelt sie in den…
New Publication from Bonato Asato et al. in Soil Biology and Biochemistry: Positive plant diversity effects on soil detritivore feeding activity and stability increase with ecosystem age
Increasing species diversity frequently enhances ecosystem functioning – a pattern strengthened with ecosystem age. It has been suggested that strengthened responses over time may be due to community assembly processes…
New Publication from Hutengs et al. in Geoderma: Enhanced VNIR and MIR proximal sensing of soil organic matter and PLFA-derived soil microbial properties through machine learning ensembles and external parameter orthogonalization
Portable visible-to-near-infrared (VNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy coupled with machine learning can provide detailed and inexpensive information on various key soil properties. However, on-site VNIR and MIR proximal sensing applications…
New Publication from Li et al. in Nature Ecology and Evolution: Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity
A latest international research has shown that, in both forest and grassland ecosystems, the association between multitrophic diversity and multifunctionality was stronger than the relationship between the diversity of individual…
New Publication from Zhou et al. in Nature Geoscience: Resistance of ecosystem services to global change weakened by increasing number of environmental stressors
Terrestrial ecosystems are subjected to multiple global changes simultaneously. Yet, how an increasing number of global changes impact the resistance of ecosystems to global change remains virtually unknown. Here we…
New Publicaion from Eisenhauer et al. in Basic and Applied Ecology: The multiple-mechanisms hypothesis of biodiversity–stability relationships
Long-term research in grassland biodiversity experiments has provided empirical evidence that ecological and evolutionary processes are intertwined in determining both biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) and biodiversity–stability relationships. Focusing on plant diversity,…
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